Johnny is two weeks old today and in a big boy crib! He has been in his open bassinet for a week, after maintaining his temperature in the isolate. He appears to be quite comfortable, swaddled with his two blankets and a warm hat.
Last night was bath night! It was a head-to-toe sponge bath. Surprisingly, he was very calm through the process. Afterwards, he got his official weight and length check for the week. Johnny is up to 4 lbs, 6oz. and 17.75 inches. After hovering around 4lbs, 1oz, Johnny started gaining weight a couple of days ago after the doctors started to fortify his milk. With the extra calories, he is heading in the right direction.
He is finally finished with his phototherapy sessions. Earlier this week, his billi counts increased and Johnny had to spend another day under the lights. Since he graduated from his isolate, the nurses used a phototherapy bed and wrapped Johnny in a blanket of lights. He was cozy with his electric blanket. As of yesterday, his billi counts went down and he won’t need to sunbathe anymore! As an extra bonus, he can now be held without a time limit. Mommy and Daddy have really been enjoying cuddle time with our little one! Also, he is able to sport wearing an outfit too!
Over the past week, Johnny has experienced episodes with shallow breathing and slowing heart rate. This is common for preemies, as their lungs are not mature. Thus, he gets a daily shot of caffeine. Although he is a good weight for a gestational 33 week baby, it is a reminder that he is still 33 weeks old and his lungs still need to become stronger. Additionally, the average development age to coordinate the “breathing, sucking, and swallowing” for milk is typically 34 weeks. This week, the doctor included two bottle attempts per day to slowly introduce Johnny to a bottle. He wasn’t too fond of working for his food until last night when Mommy feed him via a bottle for the first time. He ate a total of 12 cc’s. This is just shy of 1/2 ounce of milk. Currently, his feedings are now 50 cc’s, so 25% of his meal was via a bottle! In the coming weeks, the goal is to continue practicing so he can work up to an entire feeding from a bottle. He is already 25% there! Keep up the great work Johnny!