Hungry Little Man :)

Wow, well where to begin!  Today was quite a busy day.  While Angie prepared for her discharge (yay), Jimbo made a trip over to see our son to begin James Xavier’s third day.  While yesterday we informed you that Jimmy was banned from his binky, we’re happy to announce today, that he’s been a good baby and is able to use it once again.  The doctors added an air tube that helps Jimmy remember to take his breaths while using his binky. . . Great Job little man!  The amazing part here is Jimmy actually will hold the binky in his mouth.

We were also informed today that Jimmy’s lab results came back clean, and he shouldn’t need antibiotics for now.  The one thing that still amazes me more and more is how attentive he is when Angie is holding him.  He can’t take his eye’s off of his Mommy’s beautiful face :).

The other ‘neat’ thing was that he actually did a pretty good “Number 2” while Angie was changing him (sorry mommy).  That was reassuring for his parents 😉

A few other details on the day  — we learned that Jimmy’s weight has started to go on the up-and-up and he’s back at his original birth weight.  Tonight, Jimmy got to spend lot’s of cuddle time with his mommy and daddy.  Also, he was quite excited to meet his Aunt Abbie!  I think he’s going to guard his sun glasses closely, Aunt Abbie seemed to have her eye on his cool shades.

So, as for this hungry little fellow, he is now eating 14cc’s of food.  That is double from where he was yesterday morning.  Keep up the good work Jimmy!

Last but certainly not least was Angie breaking the news to Dunder about the new baby that will be coming home.  The Hospital had given us Jimmy’s hat that he wore on Day 1, and tonight the Nurse was nice to have supplied us with one of Jimmy’s blankets.  Needless to say, Dunder went crazy sniffing his new baby Jimmy’s blanket, and his tail was wagging in excitement.  I think he was in awe over the blanket for a few minutes at least, sniffing and licking, but gentle all at the same time.

Welp, time for Angie and Jimbo to catch some shut eye!

James Xavier – on the Binky Band List :)

Well, Baby James is now 44 hours old!  My how time is flying 🙂
Angie and I were delighted this morning to find our son without needing his air tube! Overall, doctors are very happy with how he’s doing which is quite comforting.  Also, it’s funny to hear them typically have a similar description of how “active” he can be. Amazingly enough, he actually did a “pushup” and turned his head to look at the other side of his bed.
Another great part tonight was Mom was able to assist changing little Jimmy’s diaper, take his temperature, and prep for his food.  Great Job Mom!
So what’s with this Binky Band?   James has established quite the reputation with his nurses :).  It turns out, that when he gets a little fussy, he enjoys his binky which typically calms him down.  The problem is, he sometimes forgets that he needs to breathe while enjoying the comforts of the binky.  Therefore, our baby now has been placed on a “binky band” list.  Ok, that sounds extreme, it’s probably more like a “limited binky use” list 🙂  As he grows more, he’ll be able to rely on it some more.
Oh yea.. . James was very excited to have the opportunity to meet more of his family tonight 🙂  He is quite excited to meet Aunt Abbie tomorrow night!

Family Portrait

Tonight was amazing!

Mom (Angie) got to bond with son (James).  Dad (Jim), got to sneak in some time too 🙂 James once again opened his eyes immediately once he heard Angie’s voice, he became very calm and relaxed when he was cuddling with his mom.  He even loved to hold onto Angie’s finger.  All together, we got to hang out with James for close to an hour; it was truly a special time 🙂
Oh yea.. I think you’ll be jealous of James’ sun glasses 🙂  The circle velcro dots next to his eyes that you see in the pictures are where the eye shield attaches so it stays in place. They started to treat him for jaundice, so he’ll probably be under lights (he’s a star) when you guys get to see him tomorrow. The other neat thing is that the blankets that are with baby James are the ones we used to cuddle with him, so while he’s sun tanning, he can still smell his mom and dad 🙂
More to come . . .

Happy Birthday James Xavier

Happy Birthday Baby James Xavier!  Here is a picture of our son taken right after he was born, looking right at the camera.  Also, there is a picture of James in his special care home holding Angie’s hand!  It was great, because as Angie talked to him, he would open his eyes and look at his Mom 🙂