New Beginnings

With the start of the new year, Jimmy has ventured into 2012 as happy as could be!  Since the new year, he has been sleeping through the night in the comforts of his own room with his bunk mate Dunder!  He seems to be quite content with his big boy crib.  Each morning, he wakes up testing his vocal cords, laughing, and all around happy.

It is amazing how he is on the move these days!  Jimmy turns his body around in circles in his crib and has even been attempting his new move of “roll over”.  We are thinking that he will have this figured out sometime this week, as he is getting super close!

Day by day, Dunder is recognizing that Jimmy is more a friend and is very hopeful that Jimmy may even play fetch.  As Jimmy hangs out in his bouncer, Dunder is eager to bring all of his toys to Jimmy.  Dunder is always watching out for Jimmy and is really fascinated with his new found buddy.  Either that, or Dunder is hopeful that Jimmy will let him play with his squeaky toys 🙂

Starting this past week, Jimmy starts his day with a couple of teaspoons of rice cereal.  Currently, he prefers his bottle of milk, but he is acquiring the taste of rice cereal.  Until he masters how to eat with a spoon, most of his cereal winds up on his chin.

During playtime, Jimmy is in awe with his books!  He spends hours starring at the pictures.  As we turn the pages, he shows excitement by kicking his legs, throwing his arms in the air, and giggling out loud.  It is precious to watch him be in such a playful mood.  He is also beginning to reach for his toys and even surprises himself when he actually grasps one of his rattles.  This morning, he tested out his Jumper-Roo and was completely engaged with all of the gadgets.

Oh, and Jimmy is almost 5 months, weighing around 13 pounds!

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