March for Babies

Each year, a half a million babies are born too soon. March of Dimes is an organization that is on a mission “to help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies and to give every baby a healthy start in life.”

This year, we joined the Abington Memorial Hospital Team in the March for Babies! It is the biggest fundraiser for the March of Dimes. Everyday, we have a reminder of the research funded by the March of Dimes with our two healthy baby boys. While I was fighting to stay pregnant and when our babies were born, the medicine and therapies we received was developed from research from the March of Dimes. It is a wonderful organization that has been providing research over 75 years for babies — including our two sons. It was a remarkable feeling to know that all those walking were marching for the same cause.

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for the 3-mile walk (or stroll for both Jimmy and Johnny). Aunt Meghan, Uncle Andrew, and Pop joined the walk too! We are looking forward to participating next year, as this is truly an organization that touches our hearts.




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