Big Bed for Jimmy

Jimmy is now in a big boy bed.  The original plan was to build the bed with him.  Then we would gradually transition him to using the bed during his nap times.  Instead, he was very excited about his bed there was no adjustment period.  He loves his new bed and sleep that very night in it.  Luckily, it is only a toddler bed and he isn’t even phased when he rolls out of it in the middle of the night.  He rolls quite a bit and throughout the night, we move him back into the bed.  Our little boy is growing up quickly!

3 Months Young

John is three months old — or young!  He loves to cuddle.  If he is being held, he is a happy camper.  He might even skip a feeding, if it means cuddling with Daddy!

Over the past month, Jimmy learned a new trick.  Since he got his new glasses back in March, he learned how to pop his lenses out of the frames.  It is very frustrating, as it is very difficult to find a clear lens.  It takes him only seconds to pop out the lens.  It appears that he only does it when he is bored.  It typically occurs during car rides.  After three pairs of new lenses, we now have a new rule — no glasses in the car.  Fingers crossed that the third time is a charm.

Jim finished up spring semester teaching and is off for the summer.  To kick-off home projects, Angie’s dad and Jim worked on an irrigation project so we wouldn’t have Clarke Lake appear every time it rained.   Thankfully, we also had our littlest helper for this project.  Jimmy was fascinated by the trenches and piles of dirt.  This project took most of May.  We are now at the finish line waiting for the grass to grow.  The rain over the past week proved this project’s success.

This past month the boys celebrated Mother’s day.  Jimmy worked hard on a painting for Mommy.  It included nice stamp art too.  Mom and Grandma spent the day sewing with a joint quilt project.  Daddy cooked delicious crab cakes and watched the boys.  Mommy even got a comfy hammock and has great plans to relax.

We also celebrated Grandpa Brewka’s Birthday, which comes every year when all the leaves are on the trees (or that’s what his mom would tell him).  Dunder even sang ‘Happy Birthday’ by barking along to the chorus.

In other events, Jimmy had a night playing with his cousin’s – Gwen and Liv.  We even pulled out the finger paints and created some art.  Last weekend Mommy and Daddy went on their first date since John was born.  They headed to CPR class, followed by lunch at Iron Hill Brewery.

Field Trip to Valley Forge

We had an impromptu lunch break at Valley Forge today.  We picked Daddy up at work, grabbed some food from Wegman’s, and ventured to our special place at the park.  It was a beautiful day with lots of park visitors.  This was the first visit where Jimmy was on the move — running!  Johnny was even way awake for some photos too.  Uncle Matt would be smiling.

Time flies when you are having fun

It is hard to believe that our littlest man is 2 months old.  His due date was only two days ago on May 2nd and we have had him home from the NICU for a full 4 weeks.

Today, our cousin, Liv, had her first holy communion party with the family.  Johnny was able to meet some family – including one of his great-grandmother’s!  Jimmy and Daddy also headed to West Chester to meet up with Aunt Abbie for the Relay for Life.  The whole family also went to Angie’s parents’ home for dinner — one of many 1st’s for Johnny.  This past week, Uncle Bob came for a visit and met Johnny too!

Johnny’s month was filled with doctor appointments.  We keep getting great news at each one.  His visits with a couple of cardiologists went well.  Though he still has a fast heart rate, he got the thumbs up that the heart rhythms are all normal.  He is now on the monitoring plan, where he continues with regular follow-up appointments with re-testing to check for any changes.  We have hope that this may just be a phase he outgrows, as his heart matures from being a preemie.  Speaking of maturity, his eyes are now mature!  After a couple of visits to the eye doctor this past month, we were relieved that John’s eyes are now fully developed.

With all of the appointments, we determined that we did need a double stroller.  We got one this past week and Jimmy really enjoys it.  He likes turning around to check up on Johnny.  With the new stroller, it is now feasible for Mommy or Daddy to go for a stroll on our own with all of boys — including Dunder Dog.

Jimmy’s transition to being a big brother is still going well.  As shown in this month’s pictures, Jimmy plays with Johnny.  He reads to Johnny and will even hold the phone up to his ear.  We give constant reminders to be ‘nice’ and ‘gentle’ — slowly he is learning.


March for Babies

Each year, a half a million babies are born too soon. March of Dimes is an organization that is on a mission “to help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies and to give every baby a healthy start in life.”

This year, we joined the Abington Memorial Hospital Team in the March for Babies! It is the biggest fundraiser for the March of Dimes. Everyday, we have a reminder of the research funded by the March of Dimes with our two healthy baby boys. While I was fighting to stay pregnant and when our babies were born, the medicine and therapies we received was developed from research from the March of Dimes. It is a wonderful organization that has been providing research over 75 years for babies — including our two sons. It was a remarkable feeling to know that all those walking were marching for the same cause.

We could not have asked for a more beautiful day for the 3-mile walk (or stroll for both Jimmy and Johnny). Aunt Meghan, Uncle Andrew, and Pop joined the walk too! We are looking forward to participating next year, as this is truly an organization that touches our hearts.


